(2)根目录创建pytest.ini中进行一些属性的配置来修改 pytest 的默认属性
[pytest] #参数 addopts = ‐vs # 默认的执行路径,它会默认执行该文件夹下所有的满足条件的测试case testpaths = ./testcases # 文件命名规则 python_files = test_*.py # 类名命名规则 python_classes = Test* # Case命名规则 python_functions = test_* # 标记 markers = # 冒烟规则 smoke:冒烟用例 product_manage:商品管理
[pytest] markers = user_manage: this is user_manage product_manage: this is product_manage
# -vs: -v输出详细信息 -s输出调试信息 pytest -vs # -n: 多线程运行(前提安装插件:pytest-xdist) pytest -vs -n=2 # --reruns num: 失败重跑(前提安装插件:pytest-rerunfailres) pytest -vs --reruns=2 # -x: 出现一个用例失败则停止测试 pytest -vs -x # --maxfail: 出现几个失败才终止 pytest -vs --maxfail=2 # --html: 生成html的测试报告,后面 需要跟上所创建的文件位置及文件名称(前提安装插件:pytest-html) pytest -vs --html ./reports/result.html # -k: 运行测试用例名称中包含某个字符串的测试用例,我们可以采用or表示或者,采用and表示都 pytest -vs -k "qiuluo" pytest -vs -k "qiuluo or weiliang" pytest -vs -k "qiuluo and weiliang" # -m:冒烟用例执行,后面需要跟一个冒烟名称,执行user_manage这个分组 pytest -vs -m user_manage
import pytest class TestDemo: @pytest.mark.user_manage def test_demo1(self): print("user_manage_test1") @pytest.mark.product_manage def test_demo2(self): print("product_manage_test1") @pytest.mark.user_manage @pytest.mark.product_manage def test_demo3(self): print("manage_test1") # 运行user_manage分组 pytest -m user_manage # 运行并展示输出内容 pytest -m user_manage -s # 运行并查看跳过的日志 pytest test_1.py -rs # 运行并增加日志详细程度 pytest test_1.py -s -v
# 前置-用例执行之前 def setup_method(self): print("用例之前执行的代码") # 后置-用例执行之后 def teardown_method(self): print("用例之后执行的代码")
# 类之前 def setup_class(self): print("类之前执行") # 类之后 def teardown_class(self): print("类之后执行")
# 代码文件之前 def setup_module(): print("代码文件之前") pass # 代码文件之后 def teardown_module(): print("代码文件之后") pass
# 如果只有一个方法,然后这个方法被跳过了,那么运行后setup和teardown都不会执行 # 只有当有一个方法没有跳过时,setup和teardown才会执行 import pytest class TestDemo: workage2 = 5 workage3 = 20 def setup_method(self, method): print("之前") def teardown_method(self, method): print("之后") @pytest.mark.skipif(workage2 < 10, reason="工作经验少于10年跳过") def test_demo2(self): print("2经验可以了") @pytest.mark.skipif(workage3 < 15, reason="工作经验少于15年跳过") def test_demo3(self): print("3经验可以了")
import pytest @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def login(): print("scope为class") class TestLogin: def test_1(self, login): print("用例1") def test_2(self, login): print("用例2") def test_3(self, login): print("用例3")
# login.py class UserAuth: def __init__(self): self.user_data = { 'username': 'testuser', 'password': 'securepassword' } def login(self, username, password): if username == self.user_data['username'] and password == self.user_data['password']: return True return False # test_main.py import pytest from login import UserAuth class TestUserAuth: def setup_method(self, method): self.auth = UserAuth() print("Setup before each test") def teardown_method(self, method): print("Teardown after each test") def test_login_success(self): assert self.auth.login('testuser', 'securepassword') == True, "Login should succeed with correct credentials" def test_login_wrong_username(self): assert self.auth.login('wronguser', 'securepassword') == False, "Login should fail with wrong username" def test_login_wrong_password(self): assert self.auth.login('testuser', 'wrongpassword') == False, "Login should fail with wrong password" def test_login_empty_username(self): assert self.auth.login('', 'securepassword') == False, "Login should fail with empty username" def test_login_empty_password(self): assert self.auth.login('testuser', '') == False, "Login should fail with empty password" if __name__ == "__main__": pytest.main(["-s", __file__])